At the 16th Ascola Conference, held virtually from 1-3 July 2021, Xingyu Yan won the Best Junior Paper Award for his paper “Towards a More Competitive Mobile Payment Industry: Standardization and Beyond”. Congratulations! Xingyu is a post-doc with Guanghua Law School, Zhejiang University. The jury was composed by Fabiana Di Porto, Thomas Cheng and Daniel Sokol. They also drew on the results of the double blind peer review selection for the conference.
#ASCOLA2021: Here is the programme!
***Updated 23 June 2021*** Finally: Here is the timetable for the #ASCOLA2021 Annual Conference, our 16th Annual Conference. We are very proud and happy to present an enormous variety of papers and bring together scholars from all over the world. We have some extras in stock: a keynote speech by Carl Shapiro, an economic expert panel, a panel on career challenges, the award for the best junior paper and many other exciting side events! The programme may be subject to changes.
On our conference website you find more information on timing, speakers and papers: Conference Website Ascola 2021. Ascola members will automatically receive information on how to join the conference via e-mail.
The organising team (Michal Gal, Rupprecht Podszun, Peter Picht) is looking forward to seeing you all!
Timetable ASCOLA2021-2021-06-23
ASCOLA2021: Carl Shapiro as keynote speaker
The first details of the ASCOLA2021 Annual Conference Programme are out: Carl Shapiro, the famous economist from UC Berkeley, will be the keynote speaker this year. The conference takes place from 1-3 July 2021 in a virtual setting over Zoom. Professor Shapiro will present and discuss his paper “Antitrust: What went wrong and how to fix it” (available for download here).
In the Economic Expert Panel the two renowned innovation economists Richard Gilbert (Berkeley) and Monika Schnitzer (LMU Munich) will discuss innovation economics. Tommaso Valletti, former chief economist of the EU Commission’s DG Competition, now a professor at Imperial College London, will moderate.
Members will be informed via e-mail on how to take part in the Conference.
Please look forward to three days packed with intense high profile competition law discussions!

Spot on: Activities of ASCOLA‘s Regional Chapters
The ASCOLA Regional Chapters are very active in organising events, talks and discussions for the competition law. Here is a link to the ASCOLA Regional Groups. Typically, events are advertised via social media or newsletters. You may find the web presence of the Regional Chapters here.
To give you an impression of the wide array of activities and the excellent scholars involved, let us show you just as examples an excerpt from the ASCOLA calendar in 2021.
Continue reading “Spot on: Activities of ASCOLA‘s Regional Chapters”
ASCOLA 2021: Virtual Conference!
New ASCOLA book: Challenges to Assumptions in Competition Law
Ascola is proud to present the latest volume in the Edward Elgar ASCOLA Competition Law Series: David Bosco from the University of Aix-Marseille in France and Michal S. Gal from the University of Haifa edited a book on the challenges to assumptions in competition law. They have assembled a classy collection of contributions that go to the very fundamental questions of antitrust. Contributers are Can Atik, David Bosco, Oliver Budzinski, Andrés Calderón, Stephen Dnes, Michal S. Gal, Yajie Gao, Wei Han, Galyna Kostiukevych, Claudia O’Kane, Frédéric Marty, Julien Pillot, Barry J. Rodger, Annika Stöhr and Christopher Townley.
Eleanor Fox says: ‘This is an impressive book’! Nothing more to add.
Digital activities around the world
The bad thing about the lockdowns around the world: We cannot meet in person. The good thing: We have all learned to use digital tools to stay in touch! Our individual members and the ASCOLA Regional Chapters organise many talks, and we are proud & happy to see ASCOLA networks in full bloom everywhere: Scholars from different countries give talks and courses – and everyone can dial in. To be up to date with what is going on where, it is advisable to follow the ASCOLA Regional Chapters in social media. You find a list of links here. See you in the next virtual meeting!
ASCOLA2021 update: Peer review
Extension of Deadline for Ascola Call for Papers
The deadline for the submission of proposals for the ASCOLA 2021 Annual Conference has been extended to 8 February 2021. All competition-law-related papers are welcome and will be considered by the reviewers. We plan to hold the conference in Porto, if the conditions permit this, possibly in a hybrid format. If this is not possible we will enable an online conference, just as in 2020. You may find the Call for Papers here.
Online Activities of the ASCOLA chapters
The regional ASCOLA chapters continue their efforts in enabling scholars to stay in touch: There is a fantastic series of talks and seminars hosted by our regional chapters, following the original initiative of ASCOLA UK with the “Competition Law in Isolation” talks. For current information on what is on, please join the mailing lists or check the current programme on Twitter and LinkedIn.
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